New to Mystery Writing? Get a free trial
until June 30, 2025!
Only 543 free trials remaining.
Standards-aligned writing instruction
More grades and lessons coming!
Mystery Writing will be a complete, standards-aligned program that is differentiated for all K-5 students. Today, we’re just offering 2nd-5th grade free trials.

I have never had so many students so engaged with writing! For the first time EVER my students cheer when I say it's time for a writing lesson.
3rd Grade Teacher,
My students LOVE this writing program!! In 26 years, I have never had a class ask if we are doing writing today!.
5th Grade Teacher,
The scaffolded approach to writing that the program uses makes writing less intimidating to reluctant writers. The students have really enjoyed it!
3rd Grade Teacher,
I’m loving Mystery Writing. It takes a lot of the guesswork out of teaching writing to my 4th graders.
4th Grade Teacher,
New to Mystery Writing? Get a free trial
until June 30, 2025!
Only 543 free trials remaining.